(610) 544-1800

902 Old Marple Road Springfield, PA 19064
Products Liability

Products Liability/Defective Products

When we purchase products, we put our trust in the manufacturers to make them safe for us to use. However, products that are defective in their manufacturing or design are frequently introduced to the market, and/or often times a company fails to disclose the dangerousness of these products. As a result, we are sometimes injured.

At the Law Offices of Alfred V. Altopiedi, P.C., we utilize our depth of knowledge, experience and resources to represent our clients who have been injured as a result of a negligently manufactured or designed product. If you are injured by a defective product, let us put our experience and knowledge in products liability cases to work for you.

Call us today at (610) 544-1800 to set up a free initial consultation.


Let’s get started on your confidential consultation.

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