(610) 544-1800

902 Old Marple Road Springfield, PA 19064
Construction Site Accident

Construction Site Accident

Problem: Plaintiff was a construction inspector providing inspection services for PaDOT on Defendant’s construction site. While walking on the site, Plaintiff fell through white polyethylene, covering an unplated concrete inlet, whereby he was seriously and permanently injured.

Solution: Plaintiff contacted us and we decided that, in addition to pursuing a workers’ compensation claim, the best solution was to pursue a third party negligence claim against the Defendant contractor for not properly securing the open concrete inlet.

Result: Mr. Altopiedi was able to help his client receive a substantial lump sum award from the third party for pain and suffering, while also helping him receive proper workers’ compensation benefits. A lump sum settlement was reached regarding the workers’ compensation benefits as well. Mr. Altopiedi also helped the Plaintiff obtain Social Security and Disability Benefits.


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