(610) 544-1800

902 Old Marple Road Springfield, PA 19064
Workers’ Compensation (Third Party Claim)

Workers’ Compensation (Third Party Claim)

Problem: Plaintiff was an Engineer and a manufacturer’s representative touring Defendant’s paper mill facility, when the metal grating at the foot of a stairwell collapsed. This collapse caused Plaintiff to fall approximately eight feet through the grating and Plaintiff consequently sustained severe, permanent and disabling injuries.

Solution: Plaintiff contacted us and we decided that the best solution was to pursue a third party negligence claim against Defendant, as well as pursuing a workers’ compensation claim.

Result: Mr. Altopiedi fought to help plaintiff receive a seven figure settlement for pain and suffering against the third party Defendant, as well as receive workers’ compensation benefits in accordance with the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act. Mr. Altopiedi also helped the Plaintiff obtain Social Security and Disability Benefits.


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